Almost everyone I talk to says that I am courageus. They claim that I am doing something that they would not have the courage to do. Their comments don´t resonate with me. Often, I feel insecure and scared making a living as an artist. But there is something about the word "courage" that I want to explore - when the wanting and longing is so strong, that I dare to take the first step, despite fear being as constant companion. I would have missed a lot if I had avoided some tough decisions, stayed where I was instead of having the courage to take a step forward. That is why I am writing this book. I want to share my inner journey, the steps towards my dream of living a creative life, of being fearless. ... From the chapter "Throw away" I remember clearly when I was nine years old and my grandparents came to visit. With great attention to detail, I drew a portrait of my beloved older sister, capturig her eighties hair and wry smile. Grandpa was interested in art and culture and had authority. If Grandpa said something you listened. Excited, and with a sparkle in my eyes, I handed him the drawing. Grandpa studied it carefully. He stroked his balding head, cleared his throat and said in his broad dialect: "Karin, this is good, you can draw. But you excel at school. You wont´t throw that away now, will you? Drawing is something you can do in your free time, as a hobby." I nodded silently. Never again did I show my grandpa one of my paintings. ... Words from swedish readers: "You write with such an inner strength, your art translated into words" "I couldn´t stop reading" "Your words go straight to the heart" "Thank you, amazing book! How you open up and give of your thoughts and feelings" "Your book is as inspiring as your art"
ArbetstitelFearless, the art of living creatively
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Publiceringsdatum2021-02-16 00:00:00
FörfattareKarin Holmström
Kort Beskrivning"I desperately want to spend more time painting", I hear myself saying, "but how on earth can I find more time, being a mother of two and working full time? I don´t have enough money to invest in my own business and, besides, I know it´s impossible to make a living as an artist". I sigh and look down at my latte. Yet, here I am living off my art. What happened? What were the turning points, the c