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New Småland

Abraham Hurtado, Anders Sunna, Ane Graff, Ane HjortGuttu, AnnMirjam Valka, Anna Ekman, Axel Stratschnoy, Behazad KhosraviNoori, René Léon-Rosales, Caroline Mårtensson, Cecilia Järdemar, Cristina Bogdan, Dan Karlholm, Elna Svenle, Éric vanHove, Freddy Tsim

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Lagerstatus:Beställningsvara lev.tid ca 5-7 dagar

New Småland investigates issues of entrepreneurship, immigra­tion and emigration, and looks in various ways at the relationship between the rural and the urban. These three themes characterise both a common and a historical understanding of Småland. The project examines questions such as: What happens in the transition from glass industry to tourism? How can a region that is depopulated, grow and develop at the same time? How did the centre of town end up in a field? What does the relationship between Småland and Swedish Minnesota look like today? Do artists and designers know about the knowledge base and poten­tial that exists in Småland s industries? Do local manufacturers know which artists and designers that work in the area and what their skills and ambitions are?

By asking these questions and developing different approaches to creating a dialogue between international contemporary art and local knowledge, we can start to advance an updated picture of Småland.

This book also presents the string of exhibitions that took place from 2019 to 2020 and the processes that led to them. The texts gathered here reflect on the conferences, seminars, residences, workshops and international collaborations that have taken place in Småland during the past four years, and the book as a whole highlights a model that supports long-term relationships and at the same time allows for experimentation. It emphasises and en­gages with local actors and accentuates the role of contemporary art in Småland today.

With contributions by: Abraham Hurtado, Anders Sunna, Ane Graff, Ane Hjort Guttu, Ann Mirjam Valka, Anna Ekman, Axel Stratschnoy, Behazad Khosravi Noori & René Léon-Rosales, Caroline Mårtensson, Cecilia Järdemar, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Cristina Bogdan, Curatingpublicspace, Dan Karlholm, Elna Svenle, Éric van Hove, Freddy Tsimba, Frida Sandström, Greece is For Lovers, Joanna Sandell, Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Juan Pedro Farba Guemberena, Katja Aglert, Katr na Neiburga, Lela Pierce, Maria Lantz, Markus Vallien, Mike Bode, Olav Fumarola Unsgaard, Peter Aronsson, Petri Saariko, Runo Lagomarsino, Stine Marie Jacobsen, SUPERFLEX, Åsa Jungnelius. Edited by Jonatan Habib Engqvist.

New Småland is a collaboration initiated by four art institutions, three regions and one university. The book is published by Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing and Linneaus University Press. www.nyasmaland.se

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