Issue 66 of OEI is the first substantial presentation outside of Brazil of the poetry avant-garde movement poema/processo (process/poem), launched concurrently in Natal and Rio de Janeiro in 1967. Due to pressure from the military dictatorship the movement was brought to a halt in 1972, but several of the initial participants have continued their practices up until today (Wlademir Dias-Pino, Neide de Sá, Falves Silva).
OEI # 66 – a 520 page montage of images and documents, translations of manifestos and key essays, and interviews and new essays by Fernanda Nogueira, Antonio Sergio Bessa and many others – also features presentations of three other all too unknown Brazilian avant-garde movements from the 60s, 70s and early 80s: poesia práxis, poesia marginal, pornismo.
Content: Introduction // Proposition // Process – reading of the project // Halt – tactic option // Limit situation: distinctions & consequences // Process?/poem // Reading / writing // Poem out of process / 1 // Process?/poem: reading of products (of positions?), Wlademir Dias-Pino // Ponto 1 // [Presentation of Brasil meia-meia], Wlademir Dias-Pino // The system and the revolutionary openings, Moacy Cirne // The time of the poem, Álvaro de Sá // O Sol // Ponto 2 // Two or three things about poema/processo, Moacy Cirne Poema/processo. // Poetic radicality and dissent, Fernanda Nogueira // The avant-garde beyond the Avant-garde – The case of poema/processo in Brazil, Fernanda Nogueira // Intensified reading, expanded writing (a conversation with Wlademir Dias-Pino on intensivism, concrete poetry, process/poem and the visual encyclopedia) // A AVE (1956), Wlademir Dias-Pino // Processo 1 // Vírgula // Poema/processo: a new reading, Álvaro de Sá // The origin of the book-poem, Álvaro de Sá & Moacy Cirne // The poem and the electronic opening, Álvaro de Sá // Avant-garde: a semiological project, Moacy Cirne // Writing and information (on Wlademir Dias-Pino’s book-poems), Priscilla Guimarães Martins // Pages from A AVE (estudo crítico), Wlademir Dias-Pino // Pages from SOLIDA (critical study), Wlademir Dias-Pino // A AVE and SOLIDA by Wlademir Dias-Pino. The poetic semiotics as tactile and tactic device, Fernanda Nogueira // A Marca e o Logotipo Brasileiros, Wlademir Dias-Pino & João Felício dos Santos // Pré-História: uma leitura projetada, Wlademir Dias-Pino // Enciclopédia Visual, Wlademir Dias-Pino // Wlademir Dias-Pino’s white encyclopedia, Rogerio Camara // Unfolding processes (an interview with Neide de Sá) // Founding proposals of poema?/processo, Neide de Sá // Neide Sá’s process/poems, Eduardo Kac // Poema/processo & comics, Moacy Cirne // 12?x?9 (1967), Álvaro de Sá // The War of Words, Antonio Sergio Bessa // Theory of guerrilla art, Décio Pignatari // New language, new poetry, Luis Ângelo Pinto & Décio Pignatari // New poetry, new process: 8 points // Não ao não (1969/1970), Dailor Varela // Falves Silva – the transgressive eye, Jota Medeiros // The creative explovision of the process/poem, Falves Silva // Poema/processo in the Northeast (an interview with Falves Silva by Cristina Freire) // A Falves Silva poem, Dácio Galvão // Elementos da Semiótica, Falves Silva // New Latin-American Poetry (an interview with Clemente Padín by Cristina Freire) // How I connected with poema/processo?, Clemente Padín // The reading as an object of the eye, Almandrade // Working outside of the circuit (an interview with Almandrade) // BR.– Meia Meia– W. Dias-Pino, Almandrade // Brief synopsis of poema/processo, Álvaro de Sá // Poema-práxis (didactical manifesto), Mário Chamie // Poesia Marginal, Sergio Cohn // Intersemiotic poetry and experimental magazines (an interview with Omar Khouri) // Criticality and vertigo (an interview with Régis Bonvicino) // Middle Class & Co and other works, Regina Silveira // In the Mail Art Circuit, Regina Silveira // Making love to a Xerox machine (an interview with Hudinilson Jr.) // The Porn Art Movement: A Brazilian Avant-Garde, 1980–1982, Eduardo Kac // The search of the lost tribe, Libidiunga Cardoso // Seven Advertised Sonnets, Michalis Pichler // Cronograma do surgimento do poema/processo, Alváro de Sá
ArbetstitelOEI # 66: Process/poem (poema/processo)
Läsordning i serie66
Publiceringsdatum2014-09-27 00:00:00
Kort BeskrivningOEI # 66: Process/poem (poema/processo)