The best craftsmanship in home furnishings of the late 19th century is documented in this beautiful study by a dedicated connoisseur. At a time when American and European economies were expanding quickly, consumers' tastes were increasingly elaborate and refined. Demand for exquisite design, fine materials, and masterful workmanship resulted in interiors of a calibre never equalled or surpassed since. This book presents an overview of those Victorian architectural antiques, stained glass windows, furniture, art glass, lighting devices, match holders, and poster art in chapters that explain the development of the forms and show examples in over 400 color photographs. Period room settings as well as single items are featured. Especially strong here are the pieces that demonstrate originality in Tiffany windows and art glass, Mitchell and Rammelsburg furniture, Globe-Wernicke bookcases, French Burgun Schverer and English cameo glass, and Duffner and Kimberly lamps. More and more people today recognize and seek out the superior quality of Victorian antiques. With this new book as a guide, they will learn important details to help identify originals and marvel at the beauty they can hope to find. Current price ranges are included with the captions.
ArbetstitelVictorian Decor
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Publiceringsdatum2001-10-31 00:00:00
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