Be Kind (52-Card Deck & Guidebook)
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Be Kind (52-Card Deck & Guidebook)

TheFickleFingerOf Fate

199kr / st.
Lagerstatus:Beställningsvara lev.tid ca 5-7 dagar

A 52-card and book boxed set to explore ways to be kind, both to others and to ourselves.

Mindfulness teacher Anna Black believes we can create new ways of thinking and behaving to cultivate a kinder attitude to ourselves and others. The 52 cards in this kit include ideas for acts of kindness towards others as well as suggestions for developing self-kindness. The accompanying guidebook explains the benefits of being kind, from greater happiness and fulfillment to improved relationships, as well as shows how adopting a mindful attitude to life can help us be kinder. When we uncover what kindness actually means to us physically, mentally, and emotionally, we can begin to let go of self-criticism, blame, and judgment and become warmer, more compassionate, and more generous. As we discover these traits, there is a wonderful ripple effect throughout our life, especially in our relationships with others and our day-to-day experiences.

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